Sunday, 16 March 2008

Interpretors Log by Sheikh Nuh Keller

Abul `Abbas al-Mursi [ Allah be well pleased with him] said, "Whoever loves being noticed is a slave of being noticed.And whoever loves being unnoticed , is a slave of being unnoticed.The slave of Allah , it is the same to him whether Allah causes him to be noticed or unnoticed " [Iqaz al-himam, 37].

Page 11

Sheikh Muhammad Sa`id Kurdi used to say of the published books that exist about the knowledge of names and symbols, and about "Sufi practices" generally , "Their [true] title is :Read and you will exult :Try and you will weep."

Page 17

When the young men left, I told the sheikh that they reminded me how I had come to see him in the early years. "I used to look at the bookcase here and wonder which one of the books the secret of the way was in." He smiled and said , "It is not in lines of print [stur] , but in hearts [sudur]."

Page 49

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